Diversified/Manual Adjustments
Using HVLA (High velocity, low amplitude) adjustments, chiropractors find the end range of a joint and aim to improve movement with a thrust. Quite often (but not always), a popping or cracking noise is heard. This is called a cavitation, and is the release of gas from the fluid in that joint. Mobilizations are a more gentle manual therapy, that doesn't often lead to cavitations, but still aims to increase the range of motion of a joint.
Drop-piece/Thompson Technique
The drop pieces of a table can be used as an effective way to manipulate joints through the spine. A small give-way of the table is often quite comfortable for patients, and also does not tend to lead to a cavitation. This is a great technique for patients who are not comfortable with torque when being adjusted. It is also a great way to increase movement in very stubborn joints.
Activator technique uses a small hand-held device which delivers a quick but gentle impulse force to the spine. It can be used on both joints as well as with trigger points to achieve relief and improve range of motion. This is another gentle technique that again, can be used by patients who cannot tolerate manual adjustments.
Soft Tissue Therapy
When looking to reduce restrictions and improve range of motion in the body, it is important to look at both joints as well as the muscles and connective tissues involved. This is why chiropractors will often include muscle release as part of their treatment plans. Whether it's trigger point therapy, cross-friction therapy, skin rolling, instrument-assisted soft tissue manipulation, or muscle release therapy, it is key to focus on all of the components of movement in the body.
Using a small rubber cup, or sometimes a hard suction cup with an air pump, cups can be placed on the skin to draw up and separate the skin from adhesions in the connective tissue and muscles. With a bit of oil or emollient, the cups can also be moved around for more active release of soft tissue. This is not the same as Chinese medicine cupping.
Dry Needling
This technique is similar to Chinese Acupuncture in that it utilizes thin needles to pierce the skin, connective tissue, and muscle, however it focuses on locating myofascial trigger points and releasing these. It can be a great alternative to traditional deep tissue massage, as it is often less tender and may decrease sensitivity to the muscle, and therefore may decrease pain in the area.

Initial Consultation: 30 minutes
Adult - $90.00
Concession (Senior, Healthcare Card, Child/Student) - $85.00
Subsequent Visit: 15 minutes
Adult - $60.00
Concession (Senior, Healthcare Card, Child/Student) - $55.00
Long Consult (for an adjustment as well as rehab or needling): 30 minutes
Adult - $85.00
Concession (Senior, Healthcare Card, Child/Student) - $80.00
Hicaps is available onsite, accepting most health funds. We also accept EPC and DVA plans from your family doctor!